Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Halloween preview and a bit of my scraproom

First, thank you!  Thank you for your kind comments about my work.  It means a lot to me to know that I'm doing something that inspire someone else, while also telling our story.  I often worry that I'm old news at Studio Calico as I've been on the team since 2007.  I'm glad to see that my work is growing with my kids.  So thank you! 

I was over the moon honored and completely freaked out when Cindy from the Cartwheels in my Mind blog emailed a month or so ago to ask if I'd be willing to share my craft space.  I've never shared my craft space before!  I am renovating!  We bought this house and kept our first house, which means we didn't have a lot of cash on hand, so we do things month to month.  Things change moment to moment.  My room has moved around the house a couple of times, but I am finally home in my space so thought I'd share a few pics. 

I have a lot of work to do, it's definitely in progress, but I am thankful to have my own refuge, so I'll take it, unfinished and a mess it may be.

You can check out the rest of the photos and a little interview with Cindy here.   

I also wanted to share a sneak peek at a project I'm working on, and maybe do a little enabling.  I've been asked to create a Halloween layout for an upcoming online event.  I didn't really have anything in my stash, so immediately dashed to Studio Calico to see if the Harvest Moon add-on from the Back 40 kit was still available.  I bought too many add-ons last month so had to sacrifice something.  Silly me.  Anyway, it was still there so I picked up a kit. 

The only thing I added to that kit add-on was a manilla folder and my polaroid stamp from the On the Easel kit that's for sale now.  I just wanted you to know that the polaroid stamp is fabulous, and the inside square to that stamp is 2 inches, so break out that square punch! 

I had fun with the process with this layout and those fun photos.  I can't wait to share it with you sometime soon.

I also wanted to point out the pumpkin stamp in the Harvest Moon add-on, and how well it works with the apple stamps in the drafting table add-on in the current kit.  

Think of all the fun these two stamps could have together!  Drafting table has a lot of Crate Paper's School line, which is great for school layouts, of course, but the add-on has a fun color palette for fall photos.  Maybe even your non-traditional Halloween pics.

Well, it's back to my table I go.  I am up to my neck in Christmas projects, Studio Calico, Crate Paper, and I just finished a card for World Cardmaking Day, which is this weekend.  Have any plans?  It would be a great opportunity to get those Christmas cards out of the way or prepare your December Daily album. I am totally on board with that project this year!


Monday, September 27, 2010

On the Easel

The October kit is live, and I'm excited about it!

I picked up:
Watercolor- loved the polkadot stamp and the OA
Still Life - adore the color palette with this one.  Shipping was behind so the DT did not get the tape with our kits but am looking forward to playing with it when it ships with the next one.
En plein Air - SASSAFRAS

The only reason I didn't get Drafting Table is because I work for Crate so I have all of that product. 

I also picked up the MME chipboard elements (which I used on 3 of my five layouts) as well a the MME ABC cards for girls (which I used on 2 of my five layouts, and had to purchase a second set so I could turn it into a memory game for Payton - see my previous post).

And this is what I came up with!

I misted the cream cardstock with Classic Calico, and then stamped the polkadot stamp on top with white ink from American Crafts.  I just made a textured kraft colored background.  I am in love.  And I'm going to run out of my Classic Calico hueys fast. 

We get new stamps every month so it's easy to forget about our favorites from the fast, but I didn't totally forget and had to grab a house stamp for my window here. 
This window "display" is stamped in apple jack, atmosphere (the blue/green/grey) and my banner is in Calico white.  Found here

I was going to use my Calico white for the stamping, but ended up using white ink from American Crafts. 

My banner was inspired by the OA paper in Watercolor, as well as the Sassafras Mix and Mend line and the border I used on this page. 

This is the first layout I did this month.  I was COMPLETELY inspired by the Sassafras Mix and Mend line, but I'll be honest.  It was a love/hate thing.  I canNOT stand the flatness.  I do not care for the digital look to some of the papers.  BUT.  But.  If these paper were live and they were really laid out the way they were designed, I would be in heaven.  So I decided to bring out the dimension.

I used a blade and spliced the paper a bit so that I could insert other prints to add that dimension.  You can see the orange Crate paper in this photo.

Inspired by the dress pattern paper, I trimmed scallops from the brown paper packaging and slipped it in too.  Then I machine stitched over it.    Also inspired by this line was the use of hand stitching.  I saw those three green stitches at the top and had to find my DMC floss.  I'm not normally one to use floss and machine stitching on the same layout, but I couldn't help myself with this one.  This fun print is in the main kit.  In fact, I think most of the items except for the butterflies and the bird stamp were from the main kit for this layout.  I had originally simplified it for the sneak show, but when it was rejected, I mixed kits and embellished as needed.  :)  I'm just here to play with the paper.  :)

I used warm Calico mist on the windows, and trimmed out some of the shapes in the die cut paper. 

I've been thinking Payton hasn't changed much until I saw these photos, and then I wanted to crawl back into bed and cry like a baby, as I seem to have NONE left, lol.  I thought the bangs were the only difference!  :)

This chipboard apple is from the MME chipboard elements in the shop.

I love doing these side by side comparison of different photos.  They will be fun to look at years down the road.  This curved title was brought to you by a CD.  :)

I had fun with this one!  First and foremost, my neice Lilly is the most adorable baby on the planet.  Next to my own, anyway.  She came down with her Mom and Dad over Labor Day weekend and I fell in love all over again.  Move to OREGON Jobie!

Here's those ABC cards and the MME chipboard put to work.  I simply adored the back side of those ABC cards.  That's part of what inspired the title for this layout. 

This is how I misted the background.  I used a linen looking paper from Sassafras.  I took some old Heidi Swapp heart masks and layered them on my page, and then lightly misted Calico Cream over it.  After that I added drops of pink grapefruit over it. 

After I removed the masks, I hand stitched around the edges of my hearts to make them stand out a bit.  Lovely effect, isn't it?  I'm going to have to do that again.

I really enjoyed the process on this one.  My kids were sitting with me when I created it and I don't want to forget how fun it was to have them participate and offer their thoughts on what I should do.  I used both the MME chip pieces and the ABC cards on this one too (I told you I fell in love with some shop items this month).

I also developed a love affair with mist.  I used it so much with this kit!  Some windows turned scalloped borders are misted with applejack, but I also added my staple, hydrangea, and my new favorite, pink grapefruit on this one.  This one was fun and girly and fresh and cute.  I love it.  I love the girls' artwork too.

WOW.  So this is a photo filled post.  I hope you didn't have trouble loading it!  Let me know if it gets bogged down.  I try to size my photos to reduce that problem.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Have a great day.

The kits are up for all presale eligible subscribers!  go now!

There were a couple of shop items that I used a few times this month on my October projects.  I don't normally do that, but for some reason, I kept reaching for the same two things, namely the MME Alphabet Soup ABC cards for girls and the Alphabet Soup girl chipboard shapes.

Both sides of those ABC cards are adorable, but one good thing about that is that there are two of each design.  It's the only way I was able to put one on a layout!  One thought led to another, though, and I ordered myself a second set of the ABC cards.  Namely because of this possibility:

The deck comes with 52 cards.  26 designs.  A perfect opportunity to play memory with my four year old lass (it might reduce the number of hula dance days.....) and this set also provides a good opportunity to work on the alphabet.  I say it's a win win!

The only downside I see to this cute game idea is the number of hours I spent making this one for her third birthday.  We still have it, I must add.  And it gets used.  And it will be saved.  It's a treasure.

Good luck with your purchases today!  Be sure to check out the punch section too!  April finally got me the zig zag border punch I've been wanting!  I can't wait to play with it on future projects! 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Crate Love and a goodie box winner

Happy Sunday afternoon!

Have you seen this layout yet?  I shared the process on how to create it as well as some machine stitching tips at the Crate Paper blog here

These alphas are BG in chocolate, sprayed with white Mister Huey.  Nicely done, eh? 

The kids are watching the newest Tinkerbell movie and I'm getting a few things ironed out.  It's almost reveal time at Studio Calico!  I hope your fingers are ready for the madness of reveal day.

Anyway, on to my winner:

michelestamps2 said... 

thanks for the generous giveaway. Love your work

Michele, you are my lucky winner!  You will not be disappointed with the amount of craft love headed your way, as well as the latest issue of Scrapbook and Cards magazine.  Send me an email to cooperdees (at) yahoo (dot) com with your address and I'll get you your box!

See you tomorrow!  Davinie

Saturday, September 25, 2010

More Studio Calico Sneaks and the Hula.....

Goodie Box Giveaway in the next post down!  :)

I have a few more sneaks to share from the October kit at Studio Calico.  I'd better share them before the kit goes live, eh?  I have enjoyed the process this month and feel good about documenting a story or two.  I still have the kit out but have 5 layouts in my gallery this month. 

I used Mister Huey a LOT this month.  A LOT.  I misted a background, covered chipboard, used it on a mask...  I had a lot of fun with it, and the basic line that Studio Calico will always carry, with the browns, creams and white, are a staple for sure. 

Speaking of Studio Calico, here's a couple announcements you may have missed:

April and Co. are very firm about no refunds on the above discount, so be sure you have that code when you are ready to shop!  As she put it, if she had to pay someone to go through the process of issuing the refunds, she wouldn't be able to do these types of sales.  Makes sense to me!  Wait until the 27th (that's Monday!) and go here

A huge reward for loyal customers with the following news: 

Don't we all love rewards cards to our favorite places to shop?  I know I do. 

You should also enter to win the sneak night giveaway that has already been posted on the blog.  I ADORE the MME Lost & Found line.  It is a must have!  Enter to win it here. 

Before I go, here's a snippet of my life lately and reason number 437 why I miss Morgan during the day now that she's in first grade....  poor Payton has been so bored that she is talking me into the most outrageous adventures.  The other day she demanded that we do the hulu.  After refusing to tie a belt or a scarf "around my boobies" as she suggested, I finally caved and put on this floral dress that I never wear, and a hulu we did do for about an hour and a half!  lol!  She told me I wasn't doing it right, that I had to follow her moves, that she was the best hula dancer ever, and then it was HER idea for us to get a photo together, at which time she also directed our poses.  good.  grief!  lol.  It only ended when I then suggested we make chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. 

I can't wait to see what she's going to have me do next!  No, I'm lying.  I can totally wait!  :)  But then again, it might be an opportunity to do some more baking.  :)

Have a great day!  Davinie

Friday, September 24, 2010

the new.... Scrapbook and Cards Today! and a giveaway.

After months of hard work, on behalf of the team at Scrapbook and Cards Today, I'm proud to share their brand spanking new website.  

Isn't it gorgeous?!
You can easily learn about Project 12 and the sketches.  And of course you want to do that!  :)
There will be an interview with a special guest designer (first up is Stacey Julian).  There is also a section for an interview with a featured reader (Barb Wong, love her work).
You can also easily find the weekly giveaways! 

And of course you can also be directed to the blog, as well as to the latest issue for download.  Speaking of which, check out the fall cover:

(designed by Lisa Kisch)

And here's one of my layouts, on page 19:

This layout was for the 3 designer challenge, using some fun Basic Grey Oliver.  My baby boy!  ack.  Can't believe he's 9. 

Would you like to have a peek at the rest of the issue?  What about your very own copy?  Leave a comment on this thread and I'll choose a winner on Sunday.  And because I love SCT so much and am honored to be part of the family, I wanted to add to the prize, so the lucky winner will receive a nice goodie box in addition to this fall issue.  Sound good?  You'll see some Jenni Bowlin, Studio Calico, American Crafts, and even some Scrapbook Adhesives in this goodie box. 

If you visit all the Design Team blogs, you'll get additional chances to win a copy of this issue.  Who knows?  Maybe they'll be offering goodie bags too. 

AND you be sure to check out the SCT blog!  There's a great big prize being offered there in celebration of the new site!

Have a great day!  Davinie

P.S.  If you checked out the site, and took a peek at the issue, you'll see what a great source of inspiration it is at Scrapbook and Cards Today.  In fact, we are in the midst of creating for the winter issue (you should seeeeee what I am working on!).  If you'd like an opportunity to be published at SCT, be sure to check out the latest call here.  The deadline is 9/29 so you still have a few days to create something and send it in!   

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Today I am....

feeling:  sneaky.  I have a couple of Studio Calico sneaks from the October kit at the bottom of this post.
wondering:  if Morgan will go to school tomorrow.  Unmedicated, she has a temp of 103.  She says her legs are tired.  But after she gets some grape Tylenol in her, she's bouncing off walls.  um.  okay.
thinking: about Christmas already.  I got my winter assignments for Scrapbook and Cards Today, and oh my word, I hope this article I'm doing will knock your socks off.  I can't wait to share!  I'm going to see if I can share some sneaks at my projects just like my kit work.
reading:  the Beekeeper's Apprentice.  This is not a new release but I was at the library the other day and there were a couple of these stacked up on the bestseller's table so I thought I'd check it out.  And for the first time in a long time I was tuned in to Oprah when she revealed the next book on her book club list, and it's called Freedom.  In recent years I've done much better about checking books out from the library rather than purchasing them.  I hear great things about this one but will wait for my turn at the library (I'm currently 93rd on the list) before determining whether I should purchase it or not.
I'm also reading 1-2-3 Magic.  Parents trying to figure out what to do with onery kids?  You need to check out this book.  I feel like I finally have some tools for parenting that make some sense.  I checked this one out from the library too but know I'll need to keep it so already have it on preorder from Amazon.  The newest version is released 10/1. 
eating: roast beef sandwiches for dinner.   We have some roasts from last year's beef in the crock pot right now.  I'm also going to chef up some au gratin potatoes and fry up some zucchini as well.  Did you know that grass fed beef are higher in Omega 3's than grain fed beef?  Go organic, and go with grass fed cows, okay?  They are better for you.

Right now it's raining buckets and a good day to stay cozy at home.  What are you up to? 

And how about them sneaks?

I got 3 add-ons and several shop items this month. I couldn't help myself!

Have a great Sunday!  Davinie

Monday, September 13, 2010

Where in the world was I in August?

Post your layouts for the current challenge here. 

August was busy!  The month started with my family on the Oregon Coast where we camped with friends for a week.  We went South to Newport to the Aquarium, and north to Seaside to play on the boardwalk, and did everything in between.

We got home and it seems less than a week later we were off again, this time to Couer D'Alene Idaho and the Silverwood Theme Park.  We spent a few days at the park and some time in Couer D'Alene as well.  (We loved it and have to go back!).

Before checking out the sketch for August I was worried as I took several hundred photos this month.  How am I going to recap it on a layout! 

The simplicity of the sketch and the few photos used was perfect for my layout. I chose one photo from each of our adventures, as well as a kid photo and a family photo taken on our last day at the beach.  Perfect! 

I used some MME from my stash for the background, but then I went straight to my Back 40 kit from Studio Calico for most of the rest.  It came together so fast! 

I am in love with these MR chipboard tags.  I have used alllll of them.  You can see another layout I created using these tags here. 

I couldn't find anything to use in place of the tree, and wasn't in the mood for paper piecing this month.  So I filled the space in a different way.

What better time to use adorable squirrel chippies than after spending weeks in the open air!?  These are from the Togetherness ready set chip and can be found in the shop.  Aren't they cute?  I like the flowers and banners that are also part of this sheet of images.  I almost used the bunny and the fox, but they had one of each, and this mama would have needed two bunnies to finish our family. 

Those chipboard birds are totally going on another layout.  love those!


On hindsight I wish I had used a darker thread, maybe brown, instead of this yellow, so that it would stand out more, but overall, another happy month!

You still have time to play along!  Deadline is th 20th.  Here's the post to read allll about it


Friday, September 10, 2010

Crate Love - Treasured Notes cardkeeper

Did you see it?  I made a cardkeeper as my tutorial for the Crate Paper blog.  Check it out.  Isn't the Restoration line gorgeous?  I chose it specifically for *my* card keeper.  :)

To answer a question I received, the chipboard I used was thick.  Thicker than a cereal box.  I'm not sure what weight it is.  I just used some sheets I had in my stash.  But it's pretty thick.  It's probably twice as thick as a cereal box weight.  Perfect for a book cover. 


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Creative Escape - Wish you could be part of it???

Creative Escape.  Just those two words sounds heavenly, doesn't it?  I could use a creative escape right now.
 Creative Escape  

If you weren't able to head to Arizona, but you would like a piece of the action, head to the Scrapbook and Cards Today blog NOW.   Bazzill Basics has generously donated a prize box with ALL of the Creative Escape kits, the Creative Escape idea book, all the Creative Escape giveaways, and all kinds of other goodies from the 2010 Creative Escape event. 

That's pretty generous.

You only have until Thursday, September 10 at 6pm EST to enter, so check out the giveaway and leave a comment ASAP.

Good luck!  Back later with projects.  Busy week.


EDITED:  I am a moron.  I looked at the blog and it didn't look like things had happened yet.  I told you I've been swamped!  You mean it isn't still August?  egads!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Project 12 August in September

FINALLY.  It is finally September and that means only a few short days before a routine is back on the calendar and I can settle down.  I have decided that the chaos of the summertime is almost too much!  I need order!

With this new month comes a new challenge for Project 12.  But first, as always, a shoutout to a couple of layouts that caught my eye this month:

I had to include this one from Jen.  Had too!  The design is wonderful.  I love the clustered butterflies with the buttons, and I really like that blue cardstock with the Cosmo. 

Another thing I loved was the collage.  On Jen's blog she said she usually prints her photos at places like Costco, so to get around the odd sizes in the sketch photos, she created a collage in Picasa.  She did and she did a great job too!  I like the use of black and white photos as well.

As always, thank you Jen!

I liked this one from Cynthia for a few reasons.  One:  she used her stash.  LOVE that.  I have been cleaning out my scrapbook room and it's just a sad shame to get rid of your stash sometimes, so I'm glad to see someone using theres, lol.  She used two different patterned papers, one family themed, one cousin themed, and I like the way she trimmed her strips.  Both papers represent what her family experienced in July, which is why she also changed her title to something besides "July" as a title, but still representative of July in the US.  Very clever!

Thanks again for playing along!  I don't know about you, but I was running around all over the place this month so am lucky to have even completed a layout.  I'm glad I've kept it a priority.  So much has happened I might forget all the details!

Let's get to that August sketch:


Now.  Be sure to post on this thread by the 20th (here at SCT) if you want a chance at the prize this month. 

What's the prize, you say? 

Sweet Becky Fleck, the go to gal for all of my sketches this year, has offered her yet to be release Pagemaps 2!  What a great resource for your crafting arsenal!  It'll even be signed.  woooot! 

So have fun this month, don't worry too much about it, don't follow the sketch if it doesn't work for you, but highlight your month, and link it here so I can take a peek inside your house.  :)

Have a great September!  Davinie