
Monday, June 23, 2008

And when she did know what to expect......


The poor thing was spooked from the night before so it was a challenge to even get her to sit with the group in the lobby before they lined up. We thought it might be easier if she held on to Miss Amber when she went out there, and she did fine, but as you can see, as soon as the music started, off the stage she zipped. Daddy had his hands full with little sis and didn't zoom out, but what you miss is me actually getting up on stage before she made it down the stairs. If she had been interested, I would have walked with her over to the group and done the rest of the number with her. lol

I was joking with Steve and he said I should have just whipped her headband off and taken her place. That's living the dream, lol!

I am not upset about the whole thing at all. If she doesn't want to do it, I'm not going to make her do it. But I wonder if she felt pressure from me or something and that's why she didn't want to do it. Afterwards, walking out to the parking lot, she said she wanted to do ballet again next year, so I might sign her up. Once she's with the next group of kids they wait backstage and are behind the curtain, etc., and I'm just in the audience, so maybe it would be easier for her if I wasn't standing right there, walking her on stage when it's her turn. I guess we'll see!

It was still a dream come true to be part of it. The costumes were still stinkin' cute too! I need to thank Tammy Kay for some bits of advice she gave me on the tulle skirts. I saw that she had made some so I emailed her for some tips.

Anyway..... I'll be back later with my Studio Calico sneaks. I've been swamped this week and a bit sick too, so I am a bit behind the sneak train. But while you wait, jet on over to the Pink Paislee blog. It was my turn for the blog post and I made a little wreath using my favorite line, Spring Fling.

Speaking of favorite lines..... I just got my DT box with the next release in it, and Wowee Kazowie you are going to want ALL of it. I can't wait to find some time to dive in.

Happy Monday!


  1. She is so cute, the looked so cute. What a great night nonetheless. ;) Tammy Kay rocks, I love her. I want her to teach me to make a tulle skirt for Bella. Regarding SC kits, you are bad for my pocket book missy, every month you are telling us how fab they are, and you are not lying, but lord have mercy. Can't wait for your sneaks.

  2. How incredibly CUTE is SHE! Dang..I just wish I could have seen YOU up there doing the bear went over the mountain!

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....

  4. Anonymous9:45 PM

    OH MY GOODNESS!!! How precious is she???!!! That was so sweet. She's adorable. Thanks for sharing:-)
