
Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Studio Calico!... and a little giveaway

It's Studio Calico's birthday! In honor of their one year anniversary, the theme for our avatar's is birthday, and we are going to have fun! I mean... er.... they are going to have fun. Morgan's little friend is having her ballet recital tonight, so Morgan and I will be headed to Bend to support her. The theme to her dance is Good Ship Lollipop.... and I am going to try not to be jealous as I watch her dance her dance for 3 minutes when Morgan wouldn't stay on stage for 30 seconds. I'll try.
Here's my little birthday cupcake on her 2nd birthday... I just love this shot, so full of ice cream! lol

In honor of Studio Calico's birthday and the sale of all my stash at my LSS tomorrow, I decided to do a tiny giveaway. Out with the old, in with the new, right!? I have been wanting more October Afternoon since last month's SC kit, and I finally got my hands on some. I decided to get the Daydream charms and since there were two packages sitting there, I picked up an extra one to give away. This product has been so hard to get and I was so excited to see it locally!

Just make a post on this post and I'll draw a name on Monday morning. And don't forget to go by Studio Calico tonight and party with everyone! It should be a good time! I'll be able to post my work with the July kit tomorrow.

Have a great weekend! Davinie

Aren't they cute!? I just love these charms! I used just about every charm in the package of Detours charms I got, and can't wait to use the Daydream charms now.


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    those are adorable - my LSS didn't have any left when I went : (

  2. Those are absolutely adorable!!

  3. Have fun tonight "dreamy ballerina" :) Hope she stays on the stage a wee bit longer, but you'll never forget "the exit" :) Have a wonderful time Davinie!

  4. Great photo!! Have fun at the ballet. I have never seen these little charms, they are very cute.

  5. How cute are those? I haven't used any OA at all yet.
    Have fun watching the wee ballerinas. They are so cute when they are tiny. I cry every time even though none of them are my own kid LOL

    have a great weekend Dav. It should be hot as heck over there this weekend!

  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Those are too cute! I am jealous that you found some at your LSS....I have not been able to!
    Have fun at the ballet!

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Can't wait to see your work at Studio Calico!!! The charms are absolutely adorable!

  8. Those are too cute - my LSS doesn't carry October Road so I've been happy just to get what's in the SC kit!

    Your DD is too CUTE

  9. Those charms are adorable. And so is your little chocolate monster!

  10. ME ME Dav pick me :)

  11. OOh, pick me, pick me!!! =) I have used any OA yet either! Have fun tonight!

  12. Oh my, those are the CUTEST little charms! I haven't seen any October Afternoon in person ever but always LOVE it when I see it online.
    I hope you have fun at the concert tonight! :)

  13. I LOVE THOSE CHARMS Dav!!!!!!!

    Ok and your little cupcake girl is just A DOLL!!!!!! Happy 2nd Miss Peyton! :)

  14. happy birthday studio calico! :D

  15. Those charms are possibly the cutest ever! Hope you have fun at the dance recital!


  16. I just love the colors of those charms. Too cute!! Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  17. Love the photo! It would be a dream come true to be the lucky of the charms...yummy!

  18. i love october afternoon too!i wish i can win this. :)

  19. These are so cute I want to get some of the range, but havn't found them in the UK yet!
    Have fun at the ballet!

  20. wow those charms are sooooooooo cute mmmmmmm
    Love your blog too
    Hugs Moon

  21. I love those charms!

  22. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Love those little charms, so adorable. Hope you have a good weekend!

  23. Yummmyyyy!!!!

    I will have to check my LSS later today - I am headed there for a class on how to make a 6x6 mini with your scraps!!! Exciting! :)

  24. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Great site, great works of art! Thanks for sharing!

  25. What a cutie!! Sounds like you had a good time at the ballet in your latest post!

    Those charms are super adorable...I haven't seen them yet!


  26. Oooooh! Those are so cute and would look awesome on Drew pages!

  27. Oooh! Love your new LO's and that new Studio Calico kit is delicious! I'd love to win those charms because I just bought the new OA Daydreams paper, but I can't find those charms anywhere... Pick me, please! Thx

  28. love your LO's and those charms!!! :)

  29. Little kid ballet is so much fun!! Yum on the cupcakes!! Thanks and cheers!

  30. Wow! How fun!!! I have been playing with the Detours paper all week! I could just EAT OA products. . .they are oh so sweet!

  31. Your SC layouts and cards are marvelous as usual! Unfortunately I missed the reveal b/c I was on an airplane, but my sister logged on and scored the add-ons I wanted for me! Yay!

  32. Oh my, these are adorable!

  33. They don't carry any October Afternoon around here yet :-(
