
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

As promised... a couple of Pink Paislee projects

Good Morning all! As promised, some Pink Paislee. I just love the Pop Fashion line. I can't stop pulling purple out of it, as with the ribbon on my card, but the color is more of a Periwinkle blue. I love that you can bring out the shade that you are looking for.

*ETA: That card was picked up by Card for January 2009. Style section!*

My sweet PJ is just so darn cute! She's been very attached to a certain pair of pink Mary Janes, so when the stars aligned and I was able to convince her to put on her flip flops, I had to take a photo. I just love how she says it! She now loves them. That surprises me, because I thought the fabric between the toes was going to be another issue, lol.

I used my topsider as a template to create the shape for my stitching at the top. I then added just a touch of stitching at the bottom to balance it out.

Have a great day! I'm almost packed and ready to jet! School doesn't start for Morgan until the week of September 8, which is the normal start time around here, so I still have a lot of summer left. I guess I'm making the most of it. Good grief! I am ready to just be home!


P.S. My Elements 3.0 has found a home. :)


  1. Good gravy, those are some great projects with the Pink P.! "Bip-Bops"!! Lol... love it! And I love the creative stitching on here too!

  2. gorgeous dav! i just love that plaid paper... my friends laugh at me when i tell them what it reminds me of though... a throwback to 50's preppy sailing thing? i'd like a pair of shorts in those!! ha!! i love it! :)

  3. Absolutely gorgeous!!!! You rock the pink paislee girl!!

  4. What sweet projects...I love her word for flip-flops! Definitely warranted a page!!

    Have a great day!

  5. Love the pages!! And "bip bops" is sooo cute!!

  6. I love your PP projects.I wasn't quite sue what I thought of this new line yet. I guess I just do not use a lot of pink. But, I really like the colors of vintage moon. I can not wait to get my hands on some and just have a chance to play. :-)

  7. Love the new Pink Paislee! Beautiful creations, Davinie!

  8. Anonymous8:43 AM

    oh my that phrase 'bipbops" is too stinkin' cute! love the pp yumminess too! :)

  9. Pink paislee is jus perfect for your scrapstyle ;) Love your work.

  10. these are great Davinie! WOW, love the Pink Paislee!

  11. These are GORGEOUS creations as always! xoxo
    Love your work!
    PS...I nominated you on my blog tonight! xoxo

  12. pp is rapidly becoming my fav! love what you did with it!

  13. Those peeks are so exciting, it all looks great!
