
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Finally! The first day of school

So first... of course I'd find out that my snake story is one of those big 'ole urban legends.... thanks Snopes. Seriously. Our friends told us that story as if it really was a friend of a friend thing. I guess that's how these legends get passed around in the first place. Well, obviously, in this case that's how it happened, lol.

So the snake story is fake. But I still think it could happen! And it still creeps me out! sheesh

moving on....

Today, finally, after months and months of wait and a very long summer, school started. It seems to me I am the last in the country to finally get to school! lol Morgan has been very anxious for several weeks now, and it was with great joy that we finally packed up and headed to town for her 2008-9 school year debut. This is her second year of preschool. The first year was 2 days a week, and her class was called the Star class, but this year it's three days and she's a Rainbow. I had the choice between a morning and afternoon session, and I again chose the morning. I am now wondering why though. If I had chosen the afternoon, there would have been a period when she would be at school and Payton would be napping. Time by myself. What was a thinking?

Anyway, I got a couple of pics. My hope is that by the end of the year, she will be smiling and looking me in the eyes at the SAME TIME. ::sigh::

That last one was taken at the front door of the school. It is a house that they converted. Really cute. The school is in need of a paint job and some outdoor renovations, but still a cute school. She just loves it!

I wanted to direct you, if you haven't gone already, to the Pioneer Woman's post for yesterday. Today is September 11, a very important date in US History, and one of particular importance to myself, as my firefighter hubby would certainly have been one of those people who rushed into those buildings if we had lived in NYC on that fateful day. I just really loved her post. I swear, all firefighters, everywhere you go, are just like that. They really are special souls.

In the crafting world, I lost my mojo somewhere in the laundry basket the other day, so I decided to play with some of my leftover bits from the September kit at Studio Calico and make a few cards. I haven't been making as many cards lately as I used to, so it was really great to play with the smaller palette. And it really helped with that mojo issue! lol I really need to do that more often. I guess I'll start with the October kit! I should be seeing it tomorrow. Maybe today.

That's it for me today. Steve got up early this morning to set out flags along the streets of Redmond. I want to go with the group sometime when they do this. The fire department puts them out every year, and it's quite a process. Today they are putting them out in memory of 9/11/01. There are literally hundreds of flags put out along the city streets and it's quite a sight to see. It really is amazing and I'd love to take photos of the set up someday.

Have a great Thursday! Davinie


  1. ok you know what is really funny? I told that story to everyone after I read it on your blog -- still creeps me out -- but haha!!

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    The girls looks so cute Davinie! Those cards are adoreable too, can't wait to see what you've come up with class ideas. You need to visit my blog to see a little honor I gave you :)

  3. Love the cards, and what fun school pics! Thanks for sharing the link to the other blog. And please tell your hubby thanks for being a firefighter!

  4. Anonymous4:06 PM

    hi, thought I'd drop by and say hi :) love your blog and wonderful layouts. All the best with school.

  5. Cute school pictures! Love the cards, too! I'm just starting to play with my Sept kit:)

  6. What cute back to school photos, Davinie! I sure wish my kids actually wanted to go to school. It's always such a negative thing in our house. You do start late. We are on year-round, and went back to school on July 7th. We only got one week off between school years. Not exactly our choice, as our county went mandatory year round. Oh well.
    LOVE your cute cards, too!

  7. Awww look at her looking all grown up! She is such a doll.
    I hope you get some quiet time soon. Love your cards you have up!
