
Monday, October 13, 2008

A new challenge blog! And a rak

Hi there! Good grief, long time no update, lol! I've been busy.

Last weekend my camera met it's demise, I think. I was deleting some photos and all of the sudden lost all power. I took it to a camera shop and they had no idea how to fix it. That's not a good sign! Steve is out of town hunting so I haven't had a chance to pow wow with him about my options, but I think it's time for a new camera, I guess. I currently use a Rebel XT and I am leaning towards a Rebel XS I think. It's not much more than an Xti and has the auto cleaning function. I was not prepared to be camera shopping right now, good grief, but if I have to get a new one I might as well go bigger and better, right?

Speaking of cameras, Jenn pointed us towards this great site for photography tips. Check it out here. They are offering 100 tips in 100 days. Very cool!

Okay, on to cards and the main reason for this post. I was recently invited to be part of a team at a new card challenge site. I really liked the idea behind the challenges, so I am very excited about it. The name rocks too! It's called Cardalicious, and the first challenge went live today. It was all about incorporating traditional imagery into Halloween cards. I decided to go with a bat. I hand cut my bat from felt and covered it with black glitter from Pink Paislee (YUMMMMM). Check it out:

To create my bat I adhered felt to cardstock using a spray adhesive. I then trimmed out the pattern that I had sketched on the cardstock. It made it much easier than to try and trim the felt on it's own. I then covered it with a ton of great glitter from Pink Paislee.

This card was made with product from both Pink Paislee and Cosmo Cricket. Speaking of which, I just got a Fed Ex shipment of the new Sweet Cakes and Tinsel Town lines, and oh my heavens, I am in LOVE. But I digress....

It's been a while since I've had a giveaway, so in honor of the month of October and the upcoming Halloween holiday, I thought I'd give away some fun Halloween product that I used to create this card. I have a set of Halloween stamps from Pink Paislee, and a tube of licorice Pixee Stix.

The Pixee Stix? That tube is 7 inches long! There is a lot of more glitter in there than you'd think.

In honor of Halloween, leave a comment and let me know if you have any plans for the 31st. Doing any trick-or-treating with kids? Handing out candy? Sitting in the dark with the lights off and the TV on low? Out of town? I was able to get costumes for my kids, and Morgan is going to be a witch, and Payton will be a black kitty. I can't wait to dress them up and take them out!

I'll leave the comments open through Tuesday and will pick a winner Wednesday morning.

Have a great day! Davinie


  1. First, I love the card! Love the subtle Halloween colors. I'm hoping to do something during the day for Halloween that is geared for the younger crowd with my two youngest {3 and 1} and then take my oldest DS trick or treating that night. We live waaay out of town, so we don't get any trick-or-treaters, so we have to drive in to a neighborhood.

  2. Gorgeous card Davine! As for the 31st, we just moved to a new province and it's a whole lot cooler than our home province. I'm still trying to decide what to dress my son in that's warm and he can possibly wear with boots and a snowsuit.

  3. OK..I thought it was the sugary kind of Pixie Stix. I probably would have tried eating it, if I hadn't read carefully! Too funny. LOL!

    For Halloween I am going trick or treating for sure. I plan on breaking all and any world records on the oldest costumed trick or treater. :o)

  4. Little dude is going to be a lion and we will probably hit all the family/friend houses before calling it a night. :D

  5. What a great rak!! Thanks I am usually just handing out candy to the cuties on Halloween and I just love it!!

  6. hey Davine! i can't help but drool over your rak offerings! lol

    we are going to a halloween party and we will take our kiddos to a few family and friends houses for trick or treating. it's a fun holiday that we all enjoy!

    happy halloween!

  7. I'll have to check out Cardalicious. I love challenge blogs, even if I never find the time to get the cards or layouts done.

    I'm handing out candy. But I don't usually have many kids come around. I live in a neighborhood full of older (and I mean 70+) folks. So the kids know it's not a "hot" street so they usually by pass us. Little do they know that if they stop here, the get a lot of stuff because I usually over buy candy.

  8. Anonymous4:11 PM

    oh how fun! I love your card when I saw it on the website. So excited to be working with you!! As for what I am doing for Halloween, I hope to be taking the kiddos out for some Trick or Treating and taking lots of pictures!

  9. Anonymous4:25 PM

    those pixie sticks are hard to find!!! Where did you get yours? I want them all! Love the card and love your site!

  10. Anonymous4:27 PM

    forgot to add that we are taking the kids out trick or treating! Can't wait to get them all dressed up! I just love halloween.

  11. I love this card, and I love card-a-licious! Can't wait to see what else you create!

    For Halloween, DH and I will probably hide out in the dark! :D

  12. We're going to HK Disneyland for Halloween! I think I am more excited than the kids and this will be the 1st time I'll be wearing a costume since I was a kid!

  13. I am going to go trick-or-treating with the boys, the hubs, and Juliana and her hubby! It's going to be a blast. Now, I just need to figure out what I want to be :)

  14. Awesome card, I've never seen that CC paper before! You don't have to enter me in the giveaway! lol Just wanted to say thanks for the link, am gonna check that out!

  15. This is my son's second Halloween, so after the Halloween parade at school, we are just taking him to the next door neighbor's on each side for a touch of trick-r-treating.

  16. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Great Card!!!!

    Only plans for Halloween are passhing out candy with the 2 4 legged children of the house.


  17. You are queen of cards! Love those PP stamps! SO fun! As for Halloween, I will either be home handing out candy (likely) or out at a Halloween event where my friends band is playing

  18. great card!! I saw those pixie stixs at my lss and I so wanted them, but they were $3 a tube.

    I am taking my 6 year old and 4 year old trick or treating... I loooooooove Halloween. I seriously wait for it the whole year.

  19. Great card!! Halloween this year will be spent Trick or Treating with my 2 little boys. I can't wait!! I loved dressing up and going out for Halloween.

  20. I'm sorry about your camera..hope getting a new one will do the trick!

    Well, first things first - your card is really lovely. And, I do not plan on doing halloween. LOL. Either walk with the kids or not. No handing out candy, I think. Better yet, I hope to have DS#2 by that time (dreaming big here).

  21. Love the card, Davinie, and congratulations on being a part of the DT at Cardilicious!!
    This halloween, I'll be going trick or treating with a nine year old ninja, a six year old cowboy and and four year old sunflower. :)

  22. Ok first - I LOVE Your card!!
    CONGRATS to you! Yay!

    Now - DAV! That exact thing happened to ME and my Rebel XT!! Same thing - and the camera dudes said the same thing!! come to find out -- it's something (well in my case) to do with the prongs where the card goes. they were all bent out of whack and my poor XT had had it! SOOOOO with much cajoling - as it was going to cost almost the EXACT same to fix my XT - Alan let me get the XSi. If you have a Sams near you - that's where I got mine...pretty good priced. In fact, way better than what I paid for our XT. Anyways - I just had to share!!
    I love the XSi - you can totally tell the step up (well 2 in our cases, huh? LOL)

    Ok I'll stop rambling...
    Talk later!

  23. We always go trick or treating with the kids. One of us stays be hind at the house to hand out candies and then we switch shifts midway through. This year we are giving out pencils and candies. We still don't know what the kids will be, dd wants to be a 50's sock hop girl with a poodle skirt so we were thinking of making ds a greaser. My sister and her kids will come over too so we can go in a big group. This year we moved to a really nice quiet neighborhood with alot of school age kids so I am thinking Halloween night will be pretty fun here!

  24. We'll be taking Drew trick or treating with friends. She's got the cutest little poodle skirt outfit to wear!

  25. Great Card - plans include pumpkin muffins and hot cider with the girls and handing out candy to the ghosts, ghouls and princesses who show up at our door!!

  26. Hey there, Davinie! I loved, loved your card for the first Cardalicious challenge. Your glittered bat is amazing, and I love the combo of papers you used. You just can't go wrong with glitter!
    I'm thinking I might actually get to stay home Halloween night, for the first time in years. Akkk! My DS might just be too old this year...he hasn't decided yet what he will do, but I'm sure it won't involve mom. And DD has her heart set on going to her dad's and trick-or-treating with her dog. I haven't passed out candy in years and years. It will be fun to see all the costumes, but I'm going to miss going on the rounds.

  27. I plan to.. urmm... eat lots of chocolate and candyyyyy!! LOL :D that's a beautiful card Davinie!

  28. Thanks for sharing the cards. I have been eyeing those pixie stix!

  29. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I'll be taking my daughter and a friend trick-or-treating as well as eating -- I mean giving out candy!

  30. This will be my youngest son's first time trick or treating! His therapist has taught him to say Trick or Treat and we just might get him to wear a costume, a pirate, arrrr! So excited!

  31. Your card is FABULOUS!! Loving the new blog, finished my card last night!!

    Thans for the RAK chance too... hmmm, the 31st... well, I'll be working, and most likely dressed up as I always dress up. I'm the one who gives out the candy at home too, FUN!!!

  32. Ohh love the card!!!! And I am dying to get my hands on that stamp set!!!

    The 31st is crazy here. :) Our neighborhood goes all out and kids get bussed in to come. Needless to say, we should own stock in the candy companies. I usually just buy 3 bags and when it's gone (usually in about 20 minutes) - we take the kids trick or treating.

    I am sure we will do a cookout too since we can't leave the neighborhood. haha


  33. Great card!!! For Halloween, it's my turn to take the boys out trick or treating while hubby hands out the candy. ;)

  34. love that card. gorgeous.

  35. love your card!
    we will probably stay at home giving treats to the kids who may visit us.

  36. Anonymous8:46 AM

    What a lovely card!!! The bat was supercool :o)
    Love that stamp-set too.

    We don't really celebrate Halloween that much here in Norway as you do in America.
    On the 31st, there is a Fall-thanksgiving party at the kindergarten were the parents are invited, the kids will sing, and they serve potato-dishes with the potatoes they have grown in the kindergarten over the summer :)

    I love that party becuse I love watching the kids when they sing - they are so cute and enthusiastic :D

  37. oh your card Davinie, wow!!! i l♥ve your bat, glittered felt? how ingenious is that? taking the wee babes to a carnival at the school for halloween and then we'll stop at a few houses of friends we visit every year.

  38. Halloween I'm letting my almost 10 year old son have friends over to spend the night. There big lans are to scare the trickortreaters into dropping their candy. So they don't have to trick or treat. Sound like fun? I can't wait to scrap the night

  39. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Gorgeous card! Every Halloween I get dressed up and go trick or treating with my 4 beautiful's the best!

  40. I love Halloween! My Mom and I take my son trick or treating in her neighborhood. She lives about an hour away from us, but it is worth it. We really enjoy this little yearly "tradition" that we have. :-)

  41. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Love the card :) I will be working at the police department. But we will be dressing up and giving out candy which will be fun :)

  42. Your cards rock! We are taking our two year old for her first trick or treating experience this year. We're hoping she'll put the costume on this year....

  43. Hopefully going trick or treating with my 2 girls - havng surgery on the 16th and hope to be up and about enough to walk the neighborhood - is always so much fun!

  44. awesome card! I'm going to be handing out candy on Halloween since dh and I don't have any kiddos yet (next year we will though! :)

  45. Anonymous9:39 AM

    No kiddies of my own, so just handing out candy and enjoying the neighbor kids.

  46. I don't know if I'm too late for the rak but commenting anyways...I'm spending halloween night walking the block around my house with my kids, getting some candies and hopefully some nice shots to scrap.

  47. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I hope it's not too late!!
    We will be taking our kiddos to our church's "Treatsville". Our just turmed 3 r old is going as a firefighter and our 7month old is going as his dalmation!! And it's his very first Halloween!!

  48. I LOVE your card, and love those stamps!! Those pixie sticks are so cute. :) I'm planning on taking my son trick or treating. he's finally old enough to be excited about dressing up and going out to get candy, so i think im more excited than he is! I hope you have a great halloween!

  49. Great card!

    Halloween-we go trick or treating. We usually get around 150 kids. (which I don't know where they come from cause only a handful live around here) any way we load up a trailer hope in and go trick or treating with the 3 kids, visit with neighbors and see old friends. It's a lot of fun.

  50. I will be taking my 2 little boys (and my hubby) trick or treating! I love Halloween!

  51. That is a great card!! I looooove the sparkling bat.

  52. So cute! We're doing a Trunk-or-Treat this Friday for little munchkins that want to get dressed up a little early and get some more candy. :) Then I'll be dressing up for work (a.k.a. school) and finally passing out candy at home on Halloween night. At the end of the night, our high school's band is doing a glow stick version of their field show. :) FUN!

  53. Anonymous2:51 PM

    very beautiful!
