
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A fun little thing.

I certainly hope you are making a mad dash to your nearest Best Buy for this little gem today:

This would be New in Town, starring a couple of my favorites, Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick Jr. Now I haven't been to the movies to see it, but I did get mixed reviews, and either way, I'll be off for my own copy. Why? Well, in case you didn't know, there's a little bit of fun with scrapbooking on this movie.

So? Is that what you are thinking? So what?

Well, some friends and I were contacted by Lions Gate and are going to have some of our work in the Bonus Features of this film. How cool is that?! Most of the layouts from the Studio Calico crew, if not all of them, were from the February kit, Fortune Cookie.

I haven't seen what it is going to look like. I hope they showcase modern scrapbooking in a favorable light, unlike the sticker sneeze that is apparently in the movie.

Either way, it was a very cool opportunity, and my sister, who's daughter's photo was in one of my layouts requested, is over the moon to have an "international superstar" in her household, lol. So it's very cool.

The feature is called: The Folk Art of Scrapbooking. Interesting. I can't wait to check it out! I'll be back with a review.

Have a great day! Davinie


  1. Dav that is awesome!! Can't wait to check it out and thanks for the reminder, I was wanting to see this movie.

  2. I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see it, it's on my to do list so I can see the sticker sneeze, lol. Now I'm excited to see how they presented scrapbooking "in real life."

  3. OH, really? I didnt know about that. I should put it on my Netflix queu then. Thanks, Dav!

  4. Very cool! CONGRATS! :-)

  5. how cool Dav! can't wait to hear about the review!!

  6. I loved the movie and the scrapbooking parts were hysterical!!


  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    That is so cool. I will probably buy it, since I liked the movie. I wrote two blog entries on New In Town if anyone is interested:

    CONGRATS! {Hugz} ~Erika

  8. my dh just picked it up to rent for me!

    can't wait to check out the feature of your work--very cool!

  9. That is soooooo cool!!! Can't wait to see it!

  10. that is cool - i'll have to add it to my netflix queue. =)

  11. Jennifer.T8:26 PM

    are you serious!? that is so exciting, congrats Dav!! I've never heard of this movie but I definitely have to check it out now!

  12. how cool is that! I'll have to watch it!

  13. That is cool! I will check it out!
