
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Words on Wednesday - Thankful

I have a lot to be thankful for.  Don't we all?  

I have a roof over my head and plenty of food to eat.  I'm renovating a bit at a time and it's taking forever, so much so that I often want to sell the house and move on, but I need to remind myself that to own your own home is a huge feat, and to have an opportunity to make any changes, even little ones, is more than many people can do in this economy, so I should be grateful that I have an opportunity to paint walls in any color I choose, and the option to purchase that paint as well.  

I am thankful for a healthy family.  My girls barely get sick at all, and Steve and I are doing fine too.  I have friends and acquaintances who have faced challenges in their health this year and feel so fortunate that we are all doing so well.    

I am thankful to have had the opportunity to go back to school.  I just finished my fall student teaching placement, and I had this big speech for the students about setting a good example, going after your dreams, setting goals, and I'm so proud of myself for doing it and thankful that I was able to make it happen.  I'm going to be so much happier for it.

I am thankful for great friends who support me and have helped make school successful.  I have a pile of cheerleaders and it feels good to know that I have support.  

I am thankful for new opportunities that have come to me lately.  It feels good to feel wanted.  It feels good to know people still think I have something to offer creatively.  

I could go on, because there's a lot of frivolous things I'm thankful for, like Starbucks, my Mac, Amazon Prime, Nutella, new blades on my rotary trimmer, my Cameo, moisturizer, Yankee candles, and scarves, to name a few, but I'll leave you with these.

We are traveling to the soggy land of Seattle for Thanksgiving.  Steve is on duty so we'll leave first thing in the morning when he gets home.  I'm not sure if we have any plans for Black Friday other than the local parade and a few fun toy stores.  We are also going to visit my Dad before coming home on Sunday.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and are able to give thanks to those special people in your life.

Take care and travel safely!


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1 comment:

  1. Jen Thompson6:06 PM

    I really enjoyed reading this post, so thank you! It reminds me to stop and think about what I am thankful about :) by the way I simply ADORE that layout you did below this post... I didn't want my comment to get lost among those commenting in the giveaway so I put it here :) You are so awesomely talented :)
