
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

note to self - a New Years challenge

Hi friends

I just realized that in just 5 days, I will get to open this:

On 12/31/11 I wrote a letter to myself.  It lists some goals, resolutions, and thoughts.  It was a letter I wrote to myself for 12/31/12.  I wrote it picturing what I'd be doing and where I'd be with my life one year later.

In 5 days I get to open it and see where I'm at.

I think New Year's Resolutions are difficult to keep.  It's also hard to come up with a big idea or plan that I can stick with for a year.  But this letter was different.  This letter was about life goals and plans and attitudes and ideas and I am SO excited to see if I lived up to what I was hoping for myself.  It's words of encouragement from me to me.

5 more days!

This is a personal thing.  It only involves me.  I don't know about you but I don't always do the best job of nurturing my soul.  This is a way to do that without involving everyone else.  It's just for me.

On 12/31/12, I'm going to open that envelope and read a letter from my past with hopes for my future.  I'm pretty excited about it.

In the meantime, I think it's time for another letter.  It's time to make some new goals and encourage my future self and get thoughts on paper.

I want to challenge you to write a note to yourself and seal it up tight, to be opened 12/31/13.  And then I challenge you to scrapbook it somehow.  I plan to do just as I did above and put it in a page protector with some other photos.  I think I might even do as I did above, and include a current photo of myself with a current photo of my family.  These will be fun to compare as the years go by!

I'm going to be working on this in the next day or so and I'll share my new spread.  I already happen to have a self-portrait and a family photo to use.  As one who doesn't take many self-portraits, that's a big accomplishment, lol.  I think I'll write the letter on 1/1/13 after I have read this one first though.

Join me!  :)

I hope you had a wonderful holiday!  We hosted the Christmas gathering and it was filled with fun and family.  Morgan got a sewing machine, which thrills me to bits because she's so creative that my world will soon be filled with lots of fun fabric creations, and Payton got a bigger bike which she really needed.  It's pretty frosty outside so she's been busy testing it out up and down the hall.  They wanted Furbys but I'm not paying $50 each for one of those suckers.  Santa wasn't going to either.  lol.

Mama got a new phone and a photo printer.  I did research, and that's the one to get if you like instant gratification like I do, and use Instagram a lot (my Instagram name is... Davinie.  I'm like Madonna.  Actually, I wish it was DavinieFiero but there's just so many vowels, lol).  I'd also advise extra paper.  Holy Hannah was I spoiled.  I got a scarf and slippers and a winter hat, and, and.  WOW.  This certainly makes up for the Starbucks gift card that was my Christmas gift in 2010.  A girl doesn't want to be selfish, but you need to try a little harder than that, husband.  haa.  Methinks he learned his lesson.  HA!

Have a great day!  Davinie

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  1. Oh I am totally writing a letter to myself for 2013! I love this, Davinie!
    And, yes, you do deserve to be spoiled rotten.

  2. What a fabulous idea! I love it! No wonder you're excited about reading your letter. I may well do this myself this year. :)

    And I'm glad you had such a good Christmas and that Santa was good to you this year!


  3. really love this idea!!! such a good idea!

  4. So, so cool. How was the letter?

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