
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Project 12 REVIVAL


So much to tell you but today I just have a little thing to say.  It's something I've been working on for a while, well, since 2009, and it's something that's going to be extra fun in 2013.  I'm excited about the change.


Yes.  Project 12.  My baby.

When Project Life first received new life I was intrigued.  It's not a new idea.  I have scrapbooks with rubber cement from my childhood with bits of my life and photos mixed in.  My grandmother has scrapbooks documenting life.  But Becky Higgins sure knows how to make it look super cool and it has become a phenomenon.

I love love love Project Life, but doing a spread on a weekly basis is impossible for me.  Even when I worked part-time it was impossible.  I am not that fast.  I can't do fun things one day and record it in my scrapbook every. single. day.  I can't save it for the weekend.  That's a major family time.

It was just too hard.

I'm not that organized.

When would I do regular layouts?????

Documenting my life on a monthly basis has always been ideal.  And since 2009 it's been every single month.  It just works.  Not everyone is home all day.

When Scrapbook and Cards Today hosted the challenge with me and Becky Fleck created sketches for this challenge, that was a lot of fun too.  I never had to think about the design of my layout.  I just had to choose what to add.  But in 2012, it has been difficult, because having to choose from previous sketches didn't flow as easily for my design process, so the project lost it's sparkle.


New inspiration has hit big time.  I have a new host and oh my goodness, I am totally excited.
I also have a new format.

I am totally inspired.

I can't reveal all today, but I've been thinking about it a lot and as I work on my December layout and my December Daily, I had to shout a little bit.

Speaking of which, I love my December Daily album and will be sharing that later this week.

Anyway, more later.  Just had to put it out there.  Davinie = inspired.  And Project 12 = the best way to document your life.

That is all.  :)

Have a great day!



  1. Well, I loved Project 12 in 2011, and felt a lack of spark for 2012, too, so I'm glad this idea is being revamped! Can't wait to see your reveal, hugs, Roxy!

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Oh my goodness, I am excited! I LOVED Project 12, even though I didn't use it as a month-in-review layout, I LOVED the sketches, and I LOVED the goal of one 2-pager per month. I haven't scrapbooked (for "real") in over a year now (new baby, moving, etc.), and so I was using a Project Life album to do a photo-366 to try to satisfy the "itch." But with the new year, I want to get back into "real" scrapbooking, and I am so excited to know that Project 12 will be back!! yay, yay, YAY!!

  3. YES!!! I am so very happy to read this and will be waiting ever so patiently to get the news! I work full time, and also can not to the weekly thing. Once a month is just right.

  4. Your news was a much needed lift to my day (er, week!)I loved P12 in 2010 and 2011 and really tried to do it on my own this year but ... gotta say that without the added inspiration and motivation your challenges provided, my month in review layouts stopped getting made. Can't wait to see what new changes you are introducing!

  5. Yay! I feel excited about this!! :)

  6. Great news! I've been keeping up with Project 12, but it's been feeling stale - a big collaged photo + calendar tag every month will do that to you. And I'm not going completely to Project Life, because 2009 and Project 365 sucked up my energy.
    So I'm very excited to see why you're excited! :)

  7. That's awesome Davinie! Can't wait to see what your plan is!

  8. I'm intrigued and excited about this revival of Project 12! And also can;t wait to see your DD!!!

  9. Beautiful, warm climate, i am so excited for project 12.

  10. Funny you are doing this now...I was looking through one of the two years of layouts I did for Project 12 just last week and realized just how precious they are! I also have such limited time to scrapbook - full time job, 3 busy kids (12, 13 and 15!), husband, pets - so much going on - LIFE going on - and I wouldn't change it for the world!
    I can't (won't) spend hours scrapbooking every day, or even every week, but it was sure nice to have Project 12 capture the highlights of those years. I really enjoyed looking though the album and as the years go on and my kids grow, I know those pages will be even more precious.
    I look forward to seeing what you've got planned!

  11. Jen Thompson4:51 PM

    It's so nice to see you so inspired. Hoping we'll see some crafty goodness soon :)

  12. OK.. I'm not patient after all! SPILL!!!

  13. I LOVE Project 12 and did it on my own this year- but it was much harder! So glad you have a new plan! I will follow along for sure! Can't wait to hear more!

  14. Looking forward to hearing more about P12 2013!!!

  15. Oooh this sounds exciting (so glad I hopped over with Echo Park). My P12 from 2010 is one of my favourite albums ever. Looking forward to seeing what P12 2013 might bring!

  16. This is fabulous! I really may need to switch over to a monthly format--thoughts, thoughts, thoughts. Excited to see more!

  17. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Really looking forward to more news!

  18. OH OH OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am super excited!!!!!!

  19. Cannot wait to hear more!
