
Friday, March 20, 2009

It's the 20th!

Holy Pete it's the 20th! I can't believe it!

Today is the last day for my Project 12 challenge but I'm going to give you through the weekend and do a drawing on Monday. I must. I was so late doing my own layout and I'm still in denial that it's almost April.

I'm also doing it in honor of Steve's birthday, lol. Today is his 33rd and not only did he have to work today, he is on the ambulance today, which means he'll be busy. He should have taken a vacation day!

Let's reminisce again. Let me tell you why in some ways it is NOT good to be older than your man. I am older by a month. Let's go back to my 21st birthday, shall we? He took me to Black Butte Ranch for the weekend, and at dinner that night, he declared that I simply must order a drink because I could. I had no idea what to get so I ordered an Amaretto Sour because that's what my dad always got. And what, might you wonder, did my sweet younger man order with his meal that night? Did he go with a Roy Rogers, lol? A soda? Nope. My man ordered a MILK. Talk about robbing the cradle! Then, after dinner, he made me go buy him some beer! (I know, I should be hand slapped and tossed behind bars for supplying to a minor, lol).

So anyway... younger man. Good. Grief.

Go get you scrap on this weekend and upload your month layout recap to this thread. If you are still working on January, that's fine. It doesn't *have* to be February. Any month will do. Don't forget... you could win that Upper Crest punch I've been having so much fun with!

Have a great weekend! Davinie


  1. so lol dav - i am ONE WEEK older than matthew, and he never lets me live it down. i've started reminding him that since my life expectancy is longer than his, i'm further from the end of the road than him. ;)

  2. OMG! Too funny about him ordering milk! Love it! :-D

  3. lol - Happy Birthday to Steve!!

  4. Thanks for the extension! Hope you and the birthday boy have a great weekend!
