
Friday, April 17, 2009

Project 12 March and my dirty birds

Good grief, what a poor example I am. I can't believe how late in the month it is!

Below is my layout for the Project 12 challenge. I used my Jenni Bowlin calendar card and the rest is contents from the April kit at Studio Calico.

In March we went to a Sportsman show and the girls had a blast painting duck decoys. They run around the house with them all the time and have even bathed with them once or twice. That was a lot of fun.

On St Patrick's Day we didn't have any plans, but I had fun with food coloring and we dyed macaroni and cheese, lemonade, and their bath water. We also did an art project and made little rainbows with clouds and dangling shamrocks, and Morgan learned the traditional order of colors of of the rainbow. This is hanging in her room and she's raced in there and referenced it many times when working on other drawings for the fridge.

We also got those silly chicks in March. Oh my goodness, you should see them now:

This pretty one is Henny Penny. She's the one I picked out. I love her coloring. She's the least friendly.

This sweet little lady is Payton's chick, Flowerbelle. She has these fun feathers and even has very featherly legs. A couple of weeks ago when my dad was visiting he walked in on Kael, my almost three year old nephew, holding Flowerbelle and told him he probably shouldn't be holding her. After hearing that, Kael hurled her back in to the tub and there was a moment there when we thought we had lost our girl. That millisecond almost made me want to forego pets forever. I'm not kidding. I thought she wasn't going to make it and the idea of having to share that with my kids ripped my guts out. I don't know what we are going to do when Cooper leaves us. We've only had the chicks for a couple of weeks! Flowerbelle bounced back, though. Phew!

This little bugger is our Princess, lol. An uglier chicken I don't think I've ever seen. But what she lacks in looks she makes up for in her personality and protective nature. I kid you not; when I felt like Flowerbelle was going to be well enough to return her to the other chicks and they bedded down, Princess lifted her wing and scooted right up next to Flowerbelle and covered her with it. Oh, I know it could have been just an accident, and she was just stretching and couldn't quite fold it back under, but it was so sososo sweet to see.

But while they are mighty cute and cuddly at first, after a few weeks, they get all chicken looking and start turning into a trio of dirty birds. Steve is in the process of building their coop right now, but you can't put them outside until they lose all of their downy feathers. I think we have a little more than a week to go. Right now they are in a big Rubbermaid tub in our mud room downstairs under a lightbulb.

Anyway... chickens. They are not for everyone, lol!

Don't forget about the prize this month for participating in the challenge, Basic Grey's Bittersweet and a coordinating stamp set. Be sure to link your layouts to this thread. Everyone is welcome! You have until the 20th! That's Monday! I'll draw a winner on the 21st.

Have a great weekend! Davinie


  1. I cannot stop looking at the picture of Princess. PRICELESS that *that* is the one named princess. Seriously. I am making my coworkers come see. H-y-s-t-e-r-i-c-a-l.

  2. Cool I hadn't seen chicks that this before.

  3. love the chickies...flowerbelle is so cute. as for your blow me away each month!!! hoping to get mine in before the 20th :)

  4. Yay a chick/chicken update! I wondered how they were doing. Glad that Flowerbella made it through that incident, it's not easy to tell your little one when a pet goes but I have to tell you I am suprised how well my ds has taken the loss of two of our pets, there are lots of discussions about doggy heaven and lots of appreciating the pups we have. Going to print out some march photos... have a great weekend! btw, love that layout!

  5. Those chicks are too cute! Love the LO :)

  6. Your dirty birds are SO cute!! Especially Flowerbelle...I love her covering of pretty white feathers!

    Cute layout Dav!

  7. Love your layout! The chickies are too cute!
