Friday, September 16, 2011

foto Friday - a new tradition

On top of having issues with Payton and Kindergarten, one of our external harddrives may or may not be kaput.  This means I may or may not have lost some valuable photos, which may or may not lead to an insanity plea.

Because of that, I'm more determined to send more of my favorite photos to the cloud, and one way to do that is via my blog.  I don't share a lot of photos here, but I like looking at them, so I've decided to throw caution to the wind and share more of them.  It's my blog, after all.  With the kids back in school I don't know if this will happen every week, as I tend to do a photo blitz and then the camera gathers dust for a few days, but I'm hoping to gather photos all in one post for the most part, and Friday is my day to share them I think.

The excitement this week in photos would be the beginning of the school year.  Morgan started school last week, but I'm going to share her photo here too.

They both started school on different days, but Payton's first official day with her permanent teacher was this morning, so that was the first opportunity to take a photo of the two of them together.

This was today:

(chicken dance. I don't know why, lol).

(love that one).

And this is Payton on Monday when we thought she was going to have to be in PM Kindergarten (but Mama did NOT want PM Kindergarten):

She's such a nut.  She learned that face from Grandpa Fiero.

There's my beautiful girl.

When we went to the meet and greet with her teacher earlier in the week, she got her first homework assignment; to make a self doll.  This is what she came up with:

When she was first drawing this little brown strip on her hand, I thought it might be a bracelet or something, but no.  It's pizza.  ha!  (apparently she was hungry when doing her homework).

And these are photos of Morgan last week on HER first day of school.  Even though I knew that a ponytail wouldn't make for the best headshots, it's what she wanted, along with curls, so the night before after bathtime I braided and braided.  It's a bit crimpy, but she loved her hair on the first day:

My squinty girl.  She has her mama's light sensitive blue eyes.

And of course, after she got off the bus at the end of the day, it was time for jumping photos! 

 She loves school.  Can you tell?

I hope you have a great weekend!  I'm going to be busy crafting up a storm so if that's your inclination, I hope you have tons of mojo and little interruption!


P.S.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, but my photos look better in Photoshop than they do here in blogland.  They look grainy here.  ack.  Whey can't this techy stuff be obvious and more user friendly?  bleck.


  1. LOVE the photos! :) So cute!! And mine always look way better in pse than they do when I post them on my blog, too. People have tried to explain to me why, but I still just don't get it. ;)

  2. Dav, they are darling. For the millionth time...sure wish we lived closer.
    And I happen to think sharing more pics is a fabulous idea. :)

  3. Cute pictures - looks like your girls are lots of fun!

    When you click on the picture, does it help? Mine always look different on the blog, too, but then when I click on an individual shot, it's more like in PS. If you find an answer, let us know!

  4. Jen Thompson1:35 AM

    i can't get over how much older Payton looks in that last photo and I love her hair!
    I think more photos are a fab idea and looking forward to it muchly :)

  5. Super cute pics! I haven't even had time to post mine yet. We had rain on the first day of school, so my pics (on the porch) didn't turn out good at all! Bummed....
