Friday, October 29, 2010

CKC Seattle - Masking and Misting with Studio Calico

It's that time again!  Studio Calico and the CKC event have landed back in the Pacific Northwest.  In February I made the trek to Portland to teach at that event and had a lot of fun.  The kit boxes have landed on my doorstep, and I'm now gearing up to trek even further North and make may way to Pottery Barn, Bellevue, and the CKC Seattle Event.

This is your last weekend to register for CKC Seattle!  The event takes place November 11-13.  I will be teaching on Friday evening as well as two classes on Saturday the 13th. 

Please check out this blog post from my February visit for details on picture sizes and some of the product you'll be using in class.  I should tell you that since that February class, several other CKC events have taken place, and I have a lot of fun examples from other designers for your layouts, so be prepared to have fun, learn a new technique, and bring home two finished layouts!

ALSO.  Take note of this.  I was opening my boxes to make sure everything was there, I'm a double checker....  and stumbled upon a couple of boxes:

If you are a subscriber at Studio Calico, you may be familiar with the packaging in this blurry photo.  And the answer is YES.  Those are kits and add-ons.  And I am to GIVE them away during class.  Can you believe it?

After opening these boxes I immediately emailed April.  I thought in her pregnant nesting phase she may have gotten carried away with her tape dispenser and sent me far more than intended.  She confirmed that yes, these were to be given away to our class participants.

There is a ton of product in these boxes.  That means that not only will you get a crop bag full of fun class supplies, chances are you will walk out with additional product to add to your stash, and some of it may include kits and add-ons from SC. 

Sign up!  Class sizes are limited, I only have so many kits, so please come spend the weekend with me in Seattle.

Head to to register.  If you register online you will also receive free vendor faire passes, (I think these cost about $8 at the door).  I have code SEAT1003A on the flier I was sent.  I don't know if you need that to get the free vendor faire pass or not, but there you have it, just in case.

I'm going to be honest now and share the weee bit of nervousness I feel.  I just need to get it out.  I live in Central Oregon and there is a great big Cascade Range in between me and Seattle.  Normally it takes me about three hours over the mountain to get to Portland, and then another 3 hours to get to the Seattle area.  HOWEVER....  a few days ago it SNOWED on my fair city which has me all nervous about the weather in a couple of weeks.  Don't worry about me, I drive a gas guzzling SUV with 4 wheel drive, but ack.  If it's 6 hours on a fast day, how much longer is it going to take me to get to Pottery Barn there!  I'm going to get bored!  So, if you have any suggestions for books on tape that'll thrill and entertain during my journey, please share. 

And chime in here if you've already registered! 

Have a great weekend!  Davinie


  1. If you enjoy the Harry Potter Series, (or haven't read them and want to) I would honestly recommend them. They are read by Jim Dale, who is British, and does a variety of voices for the characters. I can no longer drive long distances without listening to these books! I have tried others but find it hard to find a voice I can tolerate (hahaha).

  2. Lucky ladies- wish I were attending! Anyway, bring your ipod and plug it into your SUV and have a singin' good time! And my son had to read The Hunger Games for school, well he wanted me to read it too and I loved it! Ordered the trilogy last week- not sure if they are on cd or not but if they are- check it out! Have a safe trip and happy shopping-Pottery Barn, ummm I mean teaching!

  3. I was wondering who was teaching! I'm signed up with my SIL! Can't wait!

  4. ooo I so wish I could go. I'm sooooo close (Vancouver Island). I would get there faster than you. Um, on that note can I take your spot??? ; )

  5. i wanna be there! must be fun!!

  6. I can't say much.
    I only wish I lived in Seattle... :)

  7. If I wasn't so hugely preggo I would be so tempted to catch the ferry over! Alas.. not this time :)
